ACLU, gay "rights" groups acting in desperation
The American Communist Legal Union (
ACLU), which takes the name
American Civil Liberties Union most of the time in order that the public may be deceived as to their true intentions, has filed a suit on behalf of several homosexuals against the State of Tennessee because the
Constitutional Amendment which would ban so-called "gay marriage" long ago passed the
General Assembly and is on its way to the people. We are slated to ban the abomination on November 7th.
The ACLU, on behalf of the involved homosexuals, is claiming that the Amendment was
not published in enough time for them to mount a campaign of opposition.
This is all a cop-out, of course. It is an attempt by the ACLU and the various Gay Rights' groups the ACLU is representing to delay the inevitable passage of this amendment, likely by an overwhelming landslide. What the Gay Rights' groups are hoping is that they can get a judge to agree that it was
not published in enough time for them to campaign against it, and the judge may require the legislature to repeat the entire process. The General Assembly would then put all of this on the back-burner because of pressing budget business. I am sure that is what these people are hoping for.
Even if the judge does rule in favor of the ACLU's clients, what will likely happen is that a vote will come four years from now (at the next General Election at which a Governor is to be chosen) and that is what they are hoping for. Perhaps they are thinking that in four years, public opinion will suddenly take a sharp Left turn in this state. It will not, I can assure them. Whether now or in four years, passage (and by a very large margin) is virtually guaranteed. These groups are well aware of that reality, and this is therefore a last-ditch effort to stop the inevitable.
The opposition interest groups' claim that they had no time to mount an opposition campaign is laughable, because the text of the amendment has been
published since last June, and with modern capabilities of the internet, you can access it from any public library. They should note the fact that groups in favor of the proposed amendment have virtually been unheard from as well. Sure, they are out there, but they don't exactly need to do much talking. In the view of many, if not most Tennesseans, the Holy Scriptures are all the campaign discussion they need on this issue. If the Scriptures say that homosexuality is an abomination, then why on earth would our laws in this Christian State leave any loopholes that might admit such persons into anything aproximating marriage? That is the rationale of the "yes" side, and the Bible is their campaign manifesto, their pastor is giving them the campaign stump speech.
The ACLU and the Gay Rights groups know they are fighting a losing battle in this State. Tennesseans are not interested in the rationale of these groups. God is the people's rationale.
A word of advice to these groups: If you are really interested in victories, your resorces are better spent in some of these cultural "blue states" where you actually stand a chance at achieving one. Leave us alone with these silly arguments about not having enough will
never have enough time in Tennessee. The only difference time might make for you is whether the margin of your defeat is 30 points or 40.
Ain't no smoggy smoke on Rocky Top,
ain't no telephone bills.
No gay "marriages" either.
Notes on comments
I received a call this morning from my good friend Ray Foret, who left me a message complaining about the fact that I reinstituted the graphical security interface in my comments after having removed that security interface. Ray rightly pointed out that the interface is inaccessable to blind readers, and he is correct. As a person with a disability myself, I dislike it immensely when things are left inaccessable to me and they don't have to be, and dislike is just a nice term for how I really feel about it.
I did attempt to take the interface off of comments. The experiment lasted all of two days. This blog became so spammed with comments (nearly all of them to older posts) that I had to spend over an hour just cleaning spam off this web log. None of it was explicit stuff, but it was pretty contaminated, and the explicit stuff would come soon enough.
We are getting a lot of new readers here at the
World thanks to our being linked with some other prominent East Tennessee bloggers. I am sure some of those newbies might want to read or listen to some of my old stuff from our days in the Queen City. I don't particularly want them to have to endure comment spam when they do this. I am most concerned, however, for those who might find a post through Google or the Blogger search engine.
Many of these people could be children or teenagers. I know some people have found this place that way in the past.
The last thing I want is a 13-year old from Crossville who is interested in politics or the Catholic faith or something else I have talked about here finding one of my comments and finding below it some filth that I did not put there. I am determined that this will not happen.
Ray did suggest that blind readers and others with a disability could send comments privately to my e-mail and I could post them here.
I agree with this, and I want to encourage blind and disabled readers to do this. I want to assure you that even if I do not agree with your comments, they will be posted here.
I just can't afford, for the sake of keeping this blog well-read and respected, to allow spam on this site.
Democrats don't want real reform in Tennessee politics
Everyone ought to take careful note of the
differences between the House and Senate versions of a comprehensive ethics reform package as the special session plugs along in Nashville. The House, led by the Democrats,
is stripping the package of critical amendments that would have banned gift-giving by lobbyists, the very sourse of the scandal that caused there to be a special session to begin with.
It seems that many Democrats, especially those from the Memphis area, do not want to entertain the idea of real reform, they merely want to tweak the existing state ethics laws-the same laws that, because of their weakness, contributed to the perceived need for federal intervention last spring. Democrat
Ulysses Jones of Memphis doesn't even want to curtail the practice of lobbyists giving gifts to legislators...he would allow up to $50 of gift giving
a day. The excuse, of course, is that this would all be reported. Of course it would...the Democrats count on what they assume is the general stupidity of the population. They know that Joe Sixpack is not going to go hunting for the records of who gave what to whom. The Dems instead assume that they can simply tell people "we gave you ethics reform" and the people will believe the Democrats...just because they are nice people!
I agree with
Bill Dunn completely here...I also find these latest developments are "disturbing."
is unfortunate that all wining and dining and such things may have to be banned, as wining and dining is a very traditional way to cement an agreement or a business decision, and thus politics is no different than other kinds of business in this way. However, the problem is that so many of our legislators have demonstrated such a chronic lack of self control and such an inability to make good ethical decisions that the law may have to treat them as children who do not know how to behave.
I will agree with at least one Democrat on one thing:
Sen. Rosalind Kurita says she'd like to see legislative proceedings put on streaming video on the internet. I am all for it, and I'll go one step further...In addition to the streaming video, let's have a cable channel devoted to state government and statewide news, kind of like a Tennessee version of
C-SPAN, and have that streaming the internet.
My guess is this streaming video idea is all smoke and mirrors...the Dems don't want the General Assembly on TV or the internet...every one of them would be voted out at the next election if legislative proceedings really were placed somewhere for the public to view.
Ms Ophelia gets a stay from a family friend
Well, Ms. Ophelia got a stay from a federal judge preventing the Senate from expelling her. According to Brian Hornback, there was a conflict of interest involved. The judge, Bernice Donald, was
appointed to the bench on the recommendation of Congressman Harold Ford, Sr.
Granted a stay by a federal judge who was effectively appointed by your own brother. And here I thought
Boss Hogg was a white man!
Whiny Liberals blame bloggers for impending defeat
In case any of you out there forgot, or, as tends to be the case in this country (especially the further South you get) you didn’t notice, there is still an election campaign going on in Canada. I think it is very important for
Tennessee Republicans to take note of that campaign, because the
Liberal Party are about to be tossed out on their asses after a 12-year run as Her Majesty’s Government largely due to a culture of widespread scandal-corruption, graft, bribery, excessive political favors from the lowest to the highest levels of government, and a general attempt by the Liberals to buy the favor of the public.
If you live in our little part of the world, does that not sound like the Hill in Nashville to you? It’s the Hill in Ottawa-but it could just as easily be Nashville.
Bloggers of all political stripes should also note that the Liberal Party, and those Conservatives-in-name-only who support them, are now blaming bloggers as the reason for the Liberals’ impending demise; they are now claiming to
Elections Canada that the
Blogging Tories group violates the Canada Elections Act. The reason is because the Conservative Party supports the Blogging Tories conglomeration, so all of these bloggers are spreading the Conservative message without reporting their tie to the Conservative Party, say the Grits (to those not in the know and for future reference, Grit is a Canadian slang term for Liberal, as Tory means Conservative, and as we might say GOP to mean Republican).
Of course, to some extent, the
Conservative Party of Canada may lend support to the Blogging Tories conglomeration, but the bloggers who voluntarily join that conglomeration are no different than the bloggers on my roll to the right: They are there by choice, as a result of common convictions or friendship or both. They are each independent thinkers, and we may not agree with each other on every point (as evidenced by yesterday’s post by Rob Huddleston
on Justice Kennedy’s opinion in the Oregon case…Rob’s view seems a bit different from my own) and that is what makes each blog and blogger unique and different-and important. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that bloggers are independent entities of the press unless the blog in question can be found on the web site of a political party, such as the Knox GOP Blog. My guess is that Elections Canada will throw the complaint out as sour grapes desperation.
Volunteer Bloggers:
Adam Groves, Brian Hornback, Stacey Campfield, Rob Huddleston, the
Rocky Top Brigade,
Thaddeus Matthews, and others would all do well to pay close attention to these antics by the Canadian left against our web logging Canadian Conservative brethren. The reason is because the latest Democrat obsession with “ethics” in Nashville involves efforts to force total state funding of campaigns. If the Dems have their way, I bet (since we may all spend the next four years giving Bredesen Hell) they will try and say that we are giving the Republicans an unfair election advantage and that the GOP is getting free election advertising through our blogs, and they will try and shut us up by shutting us down. I wouldn’t put it past a single one of their conniving hides.
To paraphrase the great Irish Nationalist
Michael Collins: “The Democratic Party would like to shut me up. If they shut me up, who here among you would take my place?”
A final note: Here at the World, I will have as full coverage as possible of the outcome of next week’s Canadian General Election next Monday and Tuesday, the 23rd and 24th.
Kefauver home is gutted after fire
In Madisonville, the Kefauver family home, a historical site by virtue of being the home of former Tennessee U.S. Senator
Estes Kefauver, was gutted in a fire overnight. As the home was vacant and was largely being used for the purpose of historical display, investigators strongly suspect arson was at work.
The historical landmark now leaves a blight right in the middle of town.
Senator Kefauver was the Democrats’ 1956 nominee for Vice President under
Adlai Stevenson.
Thanks to Rollie Hudson
I wanted to take the time to say thanks to an old friend, Rollie Hudson, for calling from all the way out in Arizona to let me know that he, too, had caught on to reading
The World According to Oatney. We had a lovely telephone conversation in which he gave me some of his views on the blog and some of the stories that I have covered here. Rollie wrote me:
Your blog is well done; keep up the good work!We will have a link to Rollie's blog to the right from this point on.
Harwell latest Republican to turn yellow
State Rep. Beth Harwell, the candidate viewed by many as the most viable option with which to defeat Governor Phil Bredesen, is the latest Republican to
announce that she will not run for governor. She maintained that “for now, my work is in the State House.”
For now, Beth Harwell is the latest Republican to cave to Bredesen and the Democrats, and
run like a yellow-bellied coward. I don’t have any doubt that Ms. Harwell is a woman of great personal character, but that is exactly what makes this so disappointing.
Just what does the
State GOP want us to do…sit by and put up with four more years of this Ding-a-ling’s total ineptitude without being able to oppose him?
What bribes were given…what payoffs and state contracts were doled out to avoid a viable race for Governor? We deserve some answers.
Ophelia out
The State Senate has finally come to its senses and
thrown out the election of Ophelia Ford, who came to hold office by defending the rights of the recently departed to vote.
Ford of course, was removed from office by “racists,” she says. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say you were
removed from office by “livists” Ophelia. Ms. Ophelia also used
a vacant lot as an address to register fraudulent voters.
At this point, the corruption of the Ford family is fully exposed for the entire State of Tennessee to see. You have to wonder how it will affect Harold Ford, Jr.’s Senate campaign. Surrounded by criminals and allegations of criminal activity within his own family, you have to wonder how, at this point, he can avoid defeat without being suspected of fraud himself.
A silver lining in a terrible Oregon cloud
I have to confess to having extremely mixed feelings regarding yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling in
Gonzales v. Oregon which upheld the “assisted suicide” law as it is practiced at present in the State of Oregon. From a moral and social point of view, I believe this law is both dangerous and frightening, as it is yet another chapter in the long slide of our society downward from a culture of life to not only a culture of death, but a culture which glorifies death, relishes in it, and encourages the old, the sick, the disabled, and the “unwanted” to get good and dead and out of the way so that the young, the virile, and the well can take control of society. In the misguided name of “compassion,” the State of Oregon has taken the lead in introducing the medical and social engineering methods of Nazi Germany to America.
From a raw legal standpoint, however, Justice Anthony Kennedy is correct in his assertion that this is an issue for state, rather than federal determination. The Constitution does not define anywhere within its wording, including the Bill of Rights or subsequent amendments, just what constitutes murder and what does not. That was left, quite intentionally, as a matter for the states to determine.
What our friends on the left do not realize, largely because most of them are entirely too short-sighted to see it (they see the High Court as an instrument with which to advance their political and social agenda) is that Justice Kennedy has just opened the door, perhaps quite unwittingly, for
Roe v. Wade to be overturned. How? Because if the Constitution allows for the state to regulate medical practice, not the federal government, and the Constitution allows for the state, not the federal government, to determine the parameters under which life must be protected and sustained, then the state’s right to make the determination as to when the parameters of the protection of life should begin trumps anything the federal government might say.
The long and short of all of that is that if a state can determine when (or whether) a person has a “right to die,” the state may determine, and not the federal government, when a person’s right to live begins. If a state can pass a law allowing for a “right to die,” it can pass a law declaring a right to live. If a state can determine whether or not to allow assisted suicide, it can determine whether
or not to allow abortion.
This case could be the beginning of the end of the era of Roe.
Fighting Reconstruction in Maryville
A group of students
are fighting the ban on the Confederate battle flag at
Maryville High School (home of the Rebels). The students were apparently told to cover up T-shirts with a battle flag design on them. At the beginning of the year, the Blount County School Board voted to ban the display of the flag on school grounds and athletic events because members of the black community, led by the NAACP (which came in from the outside to start all of this, as I understand it) claimed to find it “offensive,” and charged that it was “racist.”
A number of years back, the African-American film director
Spike Lee produced and directed a very popular movie about
Malcolm X, the controversial Black Muslim who once said “we didn’t land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.” The film gave rise to a popular craze among African-American youth: Many wore hats and shirts with the “sign of the X” on them, symbolizing Black Pride and Black Power. Over the years, some groups in the black community who held racist views had used the X as a symbol of their hatred of white people. This led to the idea among many whites that the black youth who wore the X were all “racist against whites.”
Not so, countered many in the African-American community, and they were quite right. Malcolm X, for all of his anti-white vitriol, became a changed man. So much so, in fact, that Black Muslim leaders became angry with X, and many people believe that the leadership of the Nation of Islam, of which Malcolm X had once been a part, conspired to have him killed. Malcolm X became an advocate of racial harmony, and he came to love white people, and all people.
It is true that
some who wore the X were racists…but the vast majority were certainly not. There was no mass movement to ban the sign of the X in American high schools merely because it was controversial, or because a small few of those who chose to make it a part of their wardrobe were bigots.
The same is true for the Confederate battle flag. Many blacks have been conditioned to see the flag as a symbol of slavery and oppression. It is very true that there are many who have used the flag as a symbol of hate in years gone by. This cannot be ignored, but some of these same people have also wrapped themselves in the American flag to justify their bigotry…shall we also ban Old Glory?
vast majority of the people who fought under the flags of the Confederacy did not own slaves. Of the corps of officers, many of those had inherited slaves but did not believe in the institution of slavery as a matter of principle. (Lee openly sought its gradual abolition.) Attempting to point fingers at people in 19th Century America and judge them by 21st Century standards is both hypocritical and impossible.
The flag means many good things to the people who use it. It can be seen as a symbol of Southern pride, of local pride, in the case of Maryville, of school pride. It can be a symbol of States’ rights, of home rule, of peaceful rebellion or revolution, and yes, a symbol of freedom from oppression.
The Maryville students involved say they are circulating a petition among the student body to defend their right to wear and display the Confederate battle flag, and they say that petition has support across racial lines, as well it should.
I support these students, and we should all be proud of them. Rather than disrespecting authority, they are showing an amazing respect for law and order and the democratic process. In circulating a petition, they are standing up for their principles as well as showing that they know how to exercise their rights as citizens in a peaceful way without letting themselves be trampled on. Just when I think there may be no hope for the present generation, young people like these at Maryville come along. I think in the years to come, if young men and women like you are in charge, our state and our nation will get on just fine. GO REBELS!
Happy birthday Dr. Franklin
A brief note of tribute in honor of the 300th birthday of the first American,
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: We all know Franklin invented the lightning rod, discovered the currents of electricity, and negotiated the alliance with the French that helped secure American independence. He also helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris that ended the War of Independence. Before the war, he was the Colonial legate in London. After it, he was President of Pennsylvania and played host to the Constitutional Convention in his hometown of Philadelphia.
Perhaps Franklin’s greatest contribution to America was something that older cultures already had, the native proverb. Franklin published many witty sayings in
Poor Richard’s Almanack that we take for granted today without thinking of where they came from. Proverbial statements like “a penny saved is a penny earned,” and “guests, like old food, sour after three days” are straight out of Franklin
sans Poor Richard.
Happy Birthday, Dr. Franklin.
No more prayer in the State Senate?
I lost some respect for
The Tennessean yesterday as they ran an editorial advocating that the legislature scrap the longstanding tradition of allowing members of the clergy of various faiths to
offer prayers to the legislature when beginning a session.
In this case, it was to the
Senate. The paper's reason for saying that prayer should (perhaps) be excluded from the proceedings of our Assembly is because of the objections of a Jewish Senator,
Steve Cohen, who demanded that a visiting chaplain not pray in the name of
Our Lord. I respect Senator Cohen's Jewish faith, but I do have to ask myself if his insistance on a prayer that excludes Jesus' name is out of fidelity to principles of orthodox Judaism, or whether Senator Cohen really has a larger agenda, that being to exclude prayer from the proceedings of our State Government.
To be fair to the editoral board of
The Tennessean, they did make clear, and rightly so, that so long as there is prayer in the Senate (or anywhere else in Government) Lt. Gov. Wilder cannot tell any of the visiting clergy how to pray. I hope, for the Lord's sake, that they never tell anyone not to pray in the Senate, either.
Cocke County Sheriff resigns
THIS JUST IN: Cocke County Sheriff D.C. Ramsey
has tendered his resignation to the Cocke County Commission, the
News-Sentinel is reporting today. The news comes amidst a continued federal investigation into racketeering, payoffs, illegal gambling (including video poker machines), and cockfighting. The news comes on the heels of a story printed earlier today wherein Cocke County officials said there were
no plans that they knew of that Sheriff Ramsey would resign.
As regulars have likely figured out long ago, I am generally no fan of the federales making their presence overly felt around here. I have always taken the position that if local authorities needed policing, the State could do it most effectively. However, if ever there were a need for an outsider to come in and clean house, the need exists in Cocke County. Cocke County is a place where the negative stereotypes of East Tennesseans and Appalachian people come to life. You can still get Mountain Dew in Cocke County, and lots of it-and I don't mean the bubbly caffienated variety. The Klan has held rallies there...that were rather well-attended. When Pope John Paul II died, a Newport church had a sign which read "there's no hope following a Hellbound Pope."
Does that mean that I think Cocke County is full of ignoramuses? Absolutely not. I have met some of the kindest, most thoughtful, intelligent people around who are from Cocke County...culturally speaking, it is no different there than anywhere else...people are great. Its government and establishment, however, have done ill by the people of Cocke County. Someone needs to bring justice to the place.
A note on days, dates, and times
Some readers have questioned why they might come on to this weblog and find that I have an entry for tomorrow already up today. There is a very good reason for this.
I long ago figured out that if you want to keep your blog rell-read you have to make sure it is updated at least once a day. The vast majority of the time here at the
World, I'd say 90% of the time, something has been posted exactly when you read that it has been posted, and I intend to keep it that way.
When you see a post ahead of time, it usually means that I am running short on time, or I anticipate being short on time within the next 24 hours, so I am posting in advance to keep the blog current for you regular readers. It is because of you that I keep doing remember, a post ahead does not mean a post out of date...I want to make all posts as timely as possible. Also remember that the overwhelming majority of the time, posts
are posted at the date and time specified. Thank you, loyal readers, for your continued readership and interest in the daily thoughts of my life and the world we live in.
Today's important observance
Today is the observance of the birth of…
General Robert E. Lee. Lee was born on January 19th, and so those states which observe Lee’s birth have opted to do so, for the sake of the continuity of business I suppose, today. This is because there is a notable federal holiday today that quite a few of us have off, and many states have taken that holiday off also.
If I could pick a figure in American history for any of my sons to model and say to them “be like this man,” Lee would be that person. Lee had an unmatchable knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and quoted the psalms, it is said, with an almost constant devotion. An apocryphal tale says that he kept an egg-laying hen under his bed in the field, and the egg or eggs the hen laid were his breakfast. No one knows if this is actually true, but considering the kind of common sense the General was said to possess, it would not surprise me.
General Lee understood that people first had a tie to a place, and they knew that place as home. For Robert Edward Lee, that place was Virginia. He had been opposed to secession, and even though he inherited many slaves, he was also in favor of ending slavery. Yet, when Virginia seceded from the Union, Lee turned down Lincoln’s offer of command of all Union forces in order to command the Army of Northern Virginia.
“I cannot turn my sword against Virginia,” Lee said.
Lee believed that God was forever sovereign. He realized about two days into the Battle of Gettysburg that he had made a terrible mistake in allowing Confederate forces to engage in battle there. He did not think it wise, however, to withdraw. Instead he said “it is all in the hands of God-God’s will be done.” At the time, people didn’t know it, but the South’s loss at Gettysburg would turn out to be the decisive battle of the war. After the catastrophe, Lee did not shirk his part of the blame. “It is my fault, entirely my fault,” he told his men.
When it became evident at Appomattox that the cause was lost, Lee surrendered with honor. He could have asked his men to hide in the mountains and engage in a prolonged guerilla war. Had he asked this, they would have happily done his bidding. Instead, he told his Army to go home and “be as good citizens as you have been soldiers.”
Tennessee is my adopted home, but I hope it is said of me in years to come that I was first loyal to Tennessee, and that I would never turn my sword against her. I hope that I can impart to my children enough of a sense of honor to take responsibility for the things they do that are wrong and that cost others dearly, as Lee did at Gettysburg. I hope that from Lee they can learn to accept victory with grace and defeat with honor.
Never was there a better example of a true citizen and soldier than Robert E. Lee.


Steelers 21, Colts 18
Well, once again
Peyton Manning couldn't win "the big game." Around here, Manning's lack of ability to win when it
really matters is well known.
It almost gives me some small good feeling about the
Bengals losing to the
Steelers...they were good enough to beat the
Legislators: Do you have nothing better to do?
Yes, it is 2:00am Sunday morning as I am writing this. In writing what I am about to write I should add the disclaimer that I am enjoying an adult beverage. No, I am not intoxicated; I am very much with it. Yes, I am going to church later today.
The special “ethics session” of the Tennessee legislature apparently has nothing better to do than focus on whether or
not lobbyists can give alcohol to members of the legislature. Now, there’ll be no outright ban on providing food and beverages and lodging and meals, but no, you can’t have a whiskey.
Minority Leader Bill Dunn (R-Knoxville) says it is a “mind-altering substance.” I’ll grant Rep. Dunn that a few too many can alter the mind, as I learned in college the hard way. I also agree with Brian Hornback by way of George Washington Plunkitt that if elected officials need to “rely” on adult beverages while in pursuit of the people’s business, they have a problem. However, I submit to Rep. Dunn that if a legislator takes an alcoholic beverage from a lobbyist, he or she begins by knowing precisely what they are doing. Any subsequent intoxication isn’t the whiskey’s fault.
I also submit to Rep. Dunn that this unusual focus on the “demon drink” is not very Catholic of him. Why do I say this? I know for a fact Rep. Dunn is a Catholic…I know this because he and I are members of the same parish,
Holy Ghost, on Central Avenue in Knoxville. The way he (and those who agree with him) are acting, you’d think liquor was the root cause of all of the ethical problems in state government. It is not, and Rep. Dunn and his colleagues in our
Republican leadership know it is not. The problem is the fact that these lobbyists can lavish our legislators with wining and dining in the fist place. Apparently, dining is okay, but no wining.
Our Lord would not be welcome to perform any miracles on the water supply at legislative functions.
I’m not saying that our legislators should be taking drink at meetings with lobbyists. What I am saying is that the problem lies in the fact that the lobbyist can buy them a drink, OR a meal, OR a night at the Hyatt. Taking away the option of buying a drink isn’t going to deal with the root problem.
If this is all our legislators are doing during this special session, it is truly a waste of time and taxpayer dollars. We need real reform, not something that’s made up to look like something was done. This special session is a waste of time if all reform you have is a decision on whether or not a legislator can have a Jack and Coke in his meeting with a lobbyist. Jack and Coke is to be frowned on…but we’ll try the beef Wellington.
If this is all you have to do over in Nashville, please adjourn this foolishness before any more of our money is wasted paying your
per diem.