Friday, March 19, 2010

Good Enough for Thee, But Not For Me

Democrats think that rules that they made for others are not good enough when those rules have to apply in turn to them:

When trying to explain political reality to some people (usually Democrats who are used to controlling everything in this State and do not any longer), it sometimes feels as though one is dealing with a group of preschoolers, and that in order to get certain points across to them you have to sing songs in the same vein as Barney or Mister Rogers' Neighborhood ("the buttons in the booth go beep beep beep..."). Unfortunately for a few of our former county election administrators, they became entirely too accustomed over the years to hearing "I Love You, You Love Me" from the Legislature and from former Secretary of State Riley Darnell's office.

"All we're trying to do is update the code to clarify what the duties of an administrator of elections are," Representative Dunn told The Examiner, "if passing this legislation impacts these court cases, that is incidental. This bill is based on reality, on the truth." Dunn further stated that the legislation is not about firing anyone, and that he believes members of the House Democratic Leadership are being less than honest when they say that they didn't know anything about Dunn's election bill or Monday evening's impending vote on it in the House of Representatives. "[House Democratic Leader] Gary Odom sits on the Calendar and Rules Committee, and this had to pass through Calendar and Rules to make it to the House floor. For Odom to get in the papers and say he knew nothing about this before now is a bit of a stretch."

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