Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beavers Needs Reflection

Tennessee State Senator Mae Beavers needs to reflect on the reasons she is involved in public life:

Mae Beavers' race involves a lot more money and time and personal investment than mine does, I understand that. However, Senator Beavers needs to ask herself the same question that I did in the depths of my heart on what is now the two occasions in my life where I have had to make a political decision about an election: "Who, and what, am I in this for?" I don't know how Senator Beavers would answer that question, but my personal answer is "I am here to serve my community, and to be of service to my neighbors (and in the case of the SEC, of course, my neighbors and the party)." If Mae Beavers made her decision because it became clear that she could not win the Mayor's race in Wilson County so she is shifting back to the Senate because she will have an easier time being re-elected, is that truly done with a mind to service? Is it with service that she has upended everyone else's plans and hard work because she changed her mind after having ample opportunity to do so before causing anyone else major headaches?

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