Thursday, December 14, 2006

Working toward a majority

In light of my comments over the last couple of days about the Tennessee House Republican Leadership race, and about whether there may or may not have been any backroom dealing to make the final result possible, there may be a few in the blogosphere and in the conservative community who think that I will not now give my support to the new Republican Leadership.

I can't be any clearer than I have been over the last two days in articulating my view that the best man for the job was not rewarded with re-election to his post as Leader. However,
Bill Dunn has expressed support for Jason Mumpower, and I will follow his example. The Democrats have been in power for entirely too long and the Capitol is rife with corruption-few would disagree that Tennessee is in dire need of vibrant new leadership and a fresh approach to government. Jason Mumpower says that he wants to bring about a Republican majority in the House, and he says that Republicans need to begin thinking like a majority party, something the GOP in this State is not used to doing. He is very right on that score, but saying what needs to be done and then doing what needs to be done are two entirely different matters.

Bill Dunn shepherded the Republican Party through an election where the trend was against the GOP, even in heavily Republican districts. He did not lose a single Republican seat in one of the worst years for the Party in recent memory, and yet his Party Caucus did not re-elect him as Leader. Dunn has accepted his defeat in a way that is typical of the gentleman that he is-with class, dignity, and grace. Since Bill Dunn has been held to the standard of "no majority, no leadership," then I submit that Jason Mumpower should be held to an identical standard: If after the 2008 election the Republican Party does not control the Tennessee House of Representatives, we should elect a new House Leader.

I stand fully behind both
Jason Mumpower and Glen Casada in their quest to achieve a Republican majority in both Houses of the General Assembly for the first time in our lifetimes. If they manage to do this, they deserve to keep their posts, and I think that it is in the best interest of every conservative to get behind their effort to get that majority. I am going to hold Representative Mumpower to his own standard, however: No more dealcutting with Democrats just to cut a deal. I agree that Republicans need to prove we belong in the majority-we need to begin behaving the way that the majority party ought to behave. That is what Jason Mumpower has promised-we'll be watching to see that he delivers on his promise.



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