Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Harold Ford, Jr.: Scalawag?

An interesting tidbit from The Tennessean about this year's U.S. Senate race. Republican Bob Corker has managed to out-raise Harold Ford, Jr., who raised at least 42% of his money out-of-state, including a Manhattan gala for the super-rich liberal artsy-fartsy crowd. The guest speaker at the New York gathering was none other than Bill Clinton himself.

We are all beginning to see just where Ford's bread is buttered, and it is not in Tennessee. Rather than ask the good people of the state he wishes to represent for money, he runs off to New York for money.

Politics is like everything else in life in one critical respect: Money talks. That isn't always bad, as elections are very expensive undertakings indeed. Since money does talk, however, wouldn't it make sense that the man who takes his money from the people he is supposed to represent, as opposed to people who are outsiders, be able to represent those people in the best manner possible? When the time comes for a return on their investment, Harry's New York Yankee friends are going to expect him to do their bidding, as opposed to the bidding of the people of Tennessee.


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