Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Strange bedfellows in the Schiavo case

Strange bedfellows are made indeed when it comes to serious discussion of the case of Terri Schiavo. Initially, as we know, Michael Schiavo, her adulterous husband, would not allow for the performance of an autopsy. When it became clear that he was suspected by the State of Florida, as well as by Terri's family, of abuse of his spouse, his refusal to allow for an autopsy made him an object of suspicion even among his supporters. This morning, Michael Schiavo's attorney says that he has finally agreed to have an autopsy performed on Terri's body after weeks of the family pleading for one. Now whether he will choose to share these results with the Schindler family remains yet to be seen.

Any readers who might also read blogs that that I link to here at World will take note of the fact that my long-time friend Matt Daley and I vehemently disagree about the nature of the Schindler-Schiavo case, as well as what the most desirable end result ought to be. One thing I will agree with Matt on is that this entire case has made for some very strange bedfellows indeed. Matt has asserted that he "agrees with the people he often finds most vile." For my own part, I never for a second believed that I'd agree with the Reverend Jesse Jackson about anything! However, Jesse has visited Terri, and after visiting her, he says he believes that Terri's nutrition and hyration
ought to be restored to her. (If Jesse can come to a pro-life position in this matter, then there may be hope for him yet!)

One thing is certain: This situation is going to be a precident-setter, and that can't be good for the pro-life side. It has, however, made for some very strange bedfellows on both sides.


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