Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Know your enemy

Ever wonder why it is that our enemies in the War on Terror persist in using suicide bombers and killing thousands of innocent people who have little to nothing to do with the people and institutions the terrorists claim to be against? It may be that the reasons for this are much more innocuous than they might otherwise seem. As it turns out, if our enemies actually came out and fought like men, with rifles in hand, against the Armies of the Republic, they likely wouldn't get very far, hence their apparent need to engage in underhanded tactics.

Here is actual footage of two of the enemies of God and America in target practice. (Click the links to see it.) Now, if our enemies shoot like that, no wonder they have to use suicide bombers!

Thanks to Aaron Harris for the footage!


At Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, have heard that many of our opponents have limited marksmanship skills. However, while humorous, the videos you link to do not depict this. In each video, while the shooter is apparently Muslim (or at least living in a Muslim country), there is no evidence of poor marksmanship. Rather, it seems that these shooters are utilizing at least passable firearms handling skills, in a state-of-the-art indoor range. What we do see (and what I believe is the reason the videos were made) are two people encountering some sort of extremely high-powered rifle or shotgun with an large amount of recoil, which the shooter may not be expecting. My guess is that we are seeing the result of a somewhat dangerous prank.

The videos are funny, and I enjoyed watching them. However, describing the individuals in the videos as enemies of God and America is presumptuous at best, even in the context of a joke.

When we lump all Muslims or all Arabs together as enemies of God and America, we do an injury to both them and ourselves.

When we lump all Muslims or all Arabs together as enemies of God and America, we do a service to the people who hate us, regardless of their religious or racial background.

There are distinct groups that exist both in the Middle-East and elsewhere. There are ideological perpetrators and organizers of hatred and terrorism, such as Al-Qaida. There are the people who follow and support them, often due to ignorance about who we are and what we stand for. Finally, there is the vast majority of people in those regions who, whether they know us or not, wish only to seek peace.

We have to recognize, especially in Iraq, that we cannot impose peace; that the most we can do is suppress violence; and that ultimately, only the Iraqis can create peace in Iraq.


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