Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Walker In the Gutter

The Democratic State Senate nominee in the Tennessee 7th is long past the entrance to the gutter:
Since Walker is so clueless about active attempts to deal with one of the most critical issues facing both Tennesseans and the Union at-large, it is easy to understand that he and his Democratic Party allies might be equally ignorant of his opponent's record and public statements. This week, in a display of that ignorance for the entire district-and now much of the State-to see, Walker's campaign disseminated mailers stating that Stacey Campfield favored giving child predators the right to "carry concealed guns." The mailer was supposedly based on Stacey Campfield's response to questionnaire on Second Amendment Rights from Knoxville Gun Rights Examiner Liston Matthews, in which Campfield declares his support for a Vermont-style gun carry law which would allow any citizen who was not a convicted felon to carry a firearm without a permit. The fact that such a law would in no way apply to child predators is apparently totally lost on the Democrats and on Mr. Walker. Facts or reality, after all, should never get in the way of an attempt to launch a last-minute desperation attack on your opponent when it is clear that you are losing.

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