Friday, October 15, 2010

In Your Heart, You Know He's Right!

Stacey Campfield is absolutely right for the Tennessee Senate:

Whether it is introducing legislation that would have required death certificates for unborn victims of aborticide, DNA tests to prove some child support cases to be valid, or amendments to try and forbid lobbyists from sloshing legislators with free alcohol, conservative reform has been Campfield's mantra from the beginning. He promised constituents that he would act as a watchdog within our government, that he would advocate for the things that he believed were right, oppose the things that he knew in his heart to be wrong, and that he would concern himself less with passing bills than preventing bad ideas from becoming law. Stacey Campfield is a rare breed of politician-one that does exactly what they say they will do.

It is for this reason that Stacey Campfield deserves to be elected to the Tennessee Senate on November 2nd. To use a slogan from another conservative campaign of long ago: "In your heart you know he's right."

Stacey Campfield's ideas are in the spirit of Barry Goldwater

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