Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dems on Bredesen: "Knows nothing" about agriculture

When thinking of Governor Phil Bredesen, Democrats in the Legislature will publicly rally around his cause. What do they really think of Bredesen?

These Democrats on the House Agriculture Committee thought the mics were turned off, but they weren't and caught the fact that members of the Governor's own party think he knows nothing about agriculture or about the parts of the State (the majority) where agricultural policy is still important. As they point out in their little blurb, the Governor insists on spending money (and obtaining it from the feds) for boll weevil eradication, even though it has been 50 years since Tennessee had a major boll weevil infestation.

For those that don't follow the action in the Tennessee General Assembly regularly, the House Ag Committee remains one of the most powerful committees in the Lower Chamber.

If his own party can't trust him to make sound policy, why should the rest of us?



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