Friday, June 09, 2006

Dixon goes up the river

Former State Senator Roscoe Dixon was found guilty of extortion in the Tennessee Waltz scandal yesterday. Mr. Dixon took payoffs from a fake FBI company that was set up to sting legislators for bribery after complaints were made that that some people in the General Assembly were taking payoffs and kickbacks from lobbyists. The sting confirmed that this was going on.

Legislators in both parties were guilty, but the majority were Democrats. Mr. Dixon admitted that he asked for money and took the bribes, and then he tried to say that the whole thing was a racially motivated event targeting black legislators. That is a cop-out, of course, since a prominent white Republican is already in a federal prison camp as part of the same sting.

Mr. Dixon's case is a testimony to why the coming November elections need to produce a real change in who controls business in Nashville, or filthy corrupt practices will continue.


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