Saturday, April 01, 2006

As the Election Turns-commission district conventions?

Brian Hornback, esteemed Chairman of the Knox County Republican Party, said last night on WATE, as well as again in his Friday blog post, that what we could be seeing to fill the seats of the term-limited commissioners are commission district Republican Conventions, and in the comments on his blog, he pointed out that he had been a part of such a convention.

I'd be curious to have Brian give us a description of how this process works, because I have to admit, I have never been a part of what amounts to a county sub-caucus before. How are delegates to attend one of these conventions selected? Who can attend? Who has the authority to nominate candidates? How many ballots can the convention go through? Where would the conventions be held in each district?

Frankly, it all sounds like great fun to me. It sounds as though one of these commission district conventions could take on the flavor of the Ward Caucus from years gone by before the primary system was adopted in most states. Since I don't believe in the primary system (I have always believed that local candidates should be selected by local caucuses, Gubernatorial candidates by a combination of caucuses and State Convention, and the Presidential Candidate should be chosen on the National Convention floor as in years gone by) I would find this sort of exersice good for the political mind and body. Just how would it function?


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