Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Political whore award

Today's political whore award goes to former Canadian Conservative (now Liberal) MP Belinda Stronach, who defected to the Liberal Party in return for a cabinet position, and if the Liberal record is any indication, probably a little cash on the side.

Stronach's defection does not seem to come as a surprise to Canadian Tory bloggers I have seen on the net. To many of them, Stronach has long been characterized as a power-hungry opportunist who was out for the leadership of the Conservative Party, and nothing short of leadership would please her. She had, according to multiple Tory sources, no internal priciples whatsoever, and was waiting for the fall of Conservative Leader Stephen Harper with baited breath. What's more, Stronach seems to have little concept of the fact that Western Canada feels alienated by people from Ontario, of which she happens to be one. Kate McMillian said in her entry today that Stronach is just that stupid.

The only reason that this is a newsworthy item is because of the budget vote in the House of Commons that has the potential to topple the Liberal Government. Paul Martin bought Stronach out because he needs her vote to stay alive, and he is that desperate. At this point, the fate of the Liberal Government hinges on one or two votes. If Martin the Dictator survives, he will do so by bribery yet again.


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