Monday, April 18, 2005


At this writing I am watching the members of the College of Cardinals swear the oath of secrecy upon the book of the gospels, and the Sacred Conclave is about to begin. The careful observer can't help but notice the somber expressions on the faces of the Cardinals. This is indeed very different from the expressions that have been seen on those Cardinals' faces who have spoken to EWTN last week (Cardinals were permitted to speak to the press only if their reflections concentrated on John Paul II). Those who did address the press, in all cases that I could see, they gave their time to the Catholic media, were very upbeat and could even be described as happy.

Today, as the Cardinal Electors swear their oaths under Michelangelo's Last Judgement, it is probably fair to say that the weight and the gravity of the moment has finally sunk in for many of them. Their faces look weary, and their countenance appears as if some great catastrophe or burden has befallen them, as if it will create troubles innumerable. Is it fair to place such a great weight, some might ask, on 115 men, many of whom are elderly and in the twilight of their years on earth? Would you want the job of selecting the leader of the Church on earth? I certainly would not, largely because I would not count myself worthy enough to be a part of such a process. Perhaps the nature of today's occasion shows that many of the Cardinals feel much the same as I do. Doubtless, the Cardinals know that one of them will be elected Pope, and they are probably scared to death that they might be that person.

Adding to the seriousness of the occasion, when each of the Cardinals vote, they will cast their ballot in front of the Last Judgement, and look into the face of Christ, and swear with each ballot:

I call as my witness Christ the Lord who will be my judge, that my vote is given to the one who before God I think should be elected.

I wouldn't presume to think for one minute that every Cardinal in that room, even the ones who have been less than fully loyal to the Church, understands the grave implications to their souls of such an oath.


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