Thursday, April 14, 2005

Does the "End of Days" change our mission?

Today we turn our attention to the question of what to do if it is true that we are living near the End of Days. Is it time to panic-quit our jobs and all move out into communes in the middle of nowhere, and hope our religious leaders join us in joyfully awaiting the End?

This is neither a practical nor a just solution to dealing with the situation in which the Christian world presently finds itself. Those of us who believe we are experiencing the Last Things in Time believe this because we find the culture around us being destroyed, or perhaps more accurately, we see a Christian culture of Life being replaced by a hedonistoc culture of Death on a world-wide scale.

The solution is neither to run from the heathen culture nor to embrace it, rather to "put on the whole armor of God." The reality is that the End of Days may require of us the ultimate forms of witness for the Truth. We should be prepared to make that kind of sacrifice, and never stop trying to be forces for good and forces for Christ, even unto the end of the world.


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