Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Gospel not subject to public opinion

I wish someone would please remind the Press during this Interregnum that the Gospel is not open to speculation via a public opinion poll. This morning's Cincinnati Post made a front page headline over a supposed "opinion poll" of U.S. Catholics saying that 60 percent of those polled wanted women priests, married priests, birth control, and abortion? Just who is it they poll here? My guess is that reporters from the New York Times are not waiting outside your local parish church with pad and pen at the ready, waiting for your opinion. No, they want anyone who identifies themselves as "Catholic," which means that the odds are good they aren't a faithful Catholic at all.

For non-Catholics: While priestly celibacy is an issue of discipline which can be changed (although I am against the idea), the idea of priestesses is contrary to Church doctrine, which is not open to be changed. A woman cannot stand at the Mass in the very place of Christ, because Christ was a man. Caveat. This is not open to debate or discussion, so the American Press (fat with wealth and Western materialism) can't change the Gospel per an opinion poll.

I most enjoyed watching Katie Couric get told as much by Cardinal Czocha this morning on Today. She attempted to throw that poll in front of him on national television...he simply replied "that is not something that is open to be discussed here." Amen!

Repeated attempts by talking heads to find out what happens when the College of Cardinals meets in Extraordinary Congregation have also fallen on deaf ears, per the wishes of the late Pope. Cardinal Czocha again: "I really can't devulge the contents of our meeting, it isn't my place." Why can't the media just give it up...leave God's Church alone before you all have something very random, unfortunate, and unexplainable occur!


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