Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Obama Plays Pretend

Barack Obama wants to reiterate to "his friends on the Left" that they are misunderstanding him. Why, Obama has always sounded like a Republican, and has always held more moderate stances on the situation in Iraq, gun control, and the death penalty. Barack Obama is no flip-flopper, he says:

Asked by a voter about accusations of flip-flopping, Democrat Barack Obama
dismissed the notion Tuesday that he has been shifting stances on Iraq, guns and the death penalty to break with his party's liberal wing and court a wider swath of voters.

"The people who say this haven't apparently been listening to me," the likely Democratic presidential nominee said in response to a question at a town-hall style event.

Since wrapping up the Democratic nomination last month, Obama has voiced positions that break with the Democratic Party's left and have seemed at times to shade his own past positions on a range of subjects. He's drawn criticism from some liberal Democrats who question his loyalty and from Republicans who accuse him of flip-flopping.

I am not one to state things in an overly simplistic manner, but you can cut the bull in these statements with a butcher knife. I'm not saying that because I do not believe Obama or because I think he is being disingenuous (although on a personal level, there is little question that he is), but because it is so crystal clear that he is playing raw politics that he might as well just be honest and admit "my positions on certain issues have changed." Obama would not be the first politician of either party to change their position when it became evident that their original ideas could render them unelectable, and that they had just better change their tune.

Barack Obama has reduced himself to playing a childish game of political pretend. He is going to pretend that he has not been an advocate for gun control in the past when we know that he has. Further, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised for Obama to sound in the coming weeks and months as though he is the champion of the very people who he accused of "clinging to guns and religion," and being "bitter."

Obviously, he has been taking lessons about how to lie or exaggerate his political positions in order to sound like a phony social conservative from his newfound friend Hillary Clinton.

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At Saturday, July 26, 2008 9:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think you are taking a black and white (not racial) view of the gun control issue. I’m a gun owner who understands and supports localities such as DC to institute laws banning gun. I’m in favor of assault weapon bans.

Just because I feel this way does not mean that I would support repealing the 2nd amendment.


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