Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Race for Alderman

It is now common knowledge locally here that I am seeking a seat on the White Pine Board of Mayor and Aldermen-commonly called City Council, and that I will be on the ballot for the November election. Further, I am now in what amounts to a four-way race and have three opponents (two seats are up for election, but with one popular incumbent seeking re-election, those of us running realistically believe that we are all in competition for the second open seat).

A few friends have asked if I would be willing to put up a donation button here at The World so that they can contribute something to my campaign effort. It is generous indeed for those folks to have asked.

Were I running for something like the State Legislature, I would not be shy about peddling the need for donations constantly. As it is, this is a local race in which many of my friends around the State and in the blogosphere will not be casting a vote. Because it is a local campaign, I am not going to be one to peddle for donations constantly, as I do not want to give the people of White Pine the impression that I would act on behalf of outside interests-I loathe those who behave that way and have no intention of doing so myself.

I also think it unseemly to hold big fundraisers in town for a race that consists of my neighbors as the voters-literally. This is not a major race for most people-it is a big deal to me because it is the first time I have appeared on the ballot, and I intend to do everything in my power to win. Upon winning, I intend to do right by the people of this town, and to be as accessable and available to them as possible.

So I will not ask over and over again for donations-but those friends who wanted to do so are more than welcome. I will include a donation button here, and one will stay in my sidebar until November 4th for any who wish to give whatever they please and whatever they can. All donations are welcome. Those from White Pine and Jefferson County, please e-mail me and let me know when you donated. If I can I'd like to come and thank you personally.

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