Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Church is Not a Democracy

This morning the Holy Father received a welcome on the White House lawn that was actually befitting the Successor of Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, and the Servant of the Servants of God. Since the Reagan Administration, there has been a closeness between Republican administrations and the Holy See in collaborating on world problems. EWTN correspondent Raymond Arroyo warned the American press that this visit was not going to be some sort of "finger-wagging" at the President. Certain of the Leftist press were insistent on the notion that the Pope was going to use the occasion to chastise the President, but I doubt they understand that the Holy Father and the President see eye-to-eye on much more than they disagree.

John Paul II visited the White House under Jimmy Carter, but no Pope has received the kind of welcome that truly befits the office from a Democrat. That party is frightened of God and its so-called Catholics run from the Church and from the Holy Father as though the Church is a plague and they are ashamed of the Pope.

In recent days, no small number of loudmouth schismatics and heretics have infected the airwaves claiming that the Church is "out of touch" and that "we need more democracy in the Church." Christ did not say to Peter "upon this Rock I will build a democracy." The truth is not a matter for a majority vote. Christ established a Church, not a democratic state. If you fancy yourself a Catholic and you think the Church ought to be a democracy, that would make you a Protestant by definition-I know plenty of good Protestants, many of whom support me and my work. It is fine if that is what you want to be, but don't claim to be a Catholic anymore if you don't want to obey the precepts of the Church.

The President's brother is a good Catholic, it should be remembered (and Jeb is also a Brother Knight). It is quite clear that the President has the kind of respect for the Church that the Church merits, but beyond that, it is at occasions like this that one can tell that the President is, in spite of his many faults, a believer in Christ.

As for obedience and fidelity to the Holy Father, I am not ashamed of the Gospel and I am not ashamed of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Further, I love the Holy Father and I pledge my undying loyalty and obedience to the Vicar of Christ Benedict XVI, and his successors according to law. I'm not ashamed to admit that, either. Unlike some so-called Catholic "leaders," I am unwilling to sacrifice the Truth on the altar of electoral victory.

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