Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Che Obama

When I first saw this picture of Barack Obama's Houston office, I wondered if this might be some kind of internet hoax. Surely, I thought, no Democratic candidate would be stupid enough to allow for pictures of known Communist guerrilla leader, show trial specialist, and mass murderer Che Guevara, or any other Communist, Marxist, or those who publicly sympathize with them in a campaign office. Since the 1960's, the Democratic Party doesn't exactly have a stellar record when it comes to sympathizing with Communists and Marxists, and in some locales the party has literally crawled with Marxists and pseudo-Marxists over the years (Berkeley, anyone?).

To its credit, the national Democratic apparatus has done a good job of rooting out the Marxists from their ranks. Whether they privately sympathize with Marxism is certainly their prerogative and right as an American citizen, but they know that it is not politically wise to publish Marxist sympathies when trying to elect a candidate to public office. More simply put, modern Democratic leadership knows that center-left political activism is effective, but Marxism/Communism is bad.

Since I first saw the shot of the Guevara flag, I have since heard of the reality of its existence in the Houston Obama campaign office from multiple sources, and now believe the picture to be accurate. It may be that Barack Obama had nothing to do with the placing of that flag in his campaign office, but it needs to be removed from a place that is in ANY WAY representative of his campaign. If it is not removed, this sends a signal that the Obama campaign sympathizes with Marxists/Leninists/Communists. Further, those who would put the flag in place need to be purged from the campaign. Why?

If this gets any legs, Obama's chances at the nomination could be ruined. If Obama is nominated and does not clearly distance himself from the Marxists in his campaign, he will have handed the Republicans a major coup: John McCain would normally have a great deal of trouble rallying the GOP's conservative base, but if the base believes they are facing a person who is openly sympathetic to Marxism, McCain won't have to do much rallying.

This statement was to be found on the website of Fox 26 in Houston:

The office featured in this video is funded by volunteers of the Barack Obama Campaign and is not an official headquarters for his campaign.

Considering what reporters were saying about the office in the report, why does something seem amiss here?

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At Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:01:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is amiss here?
"This statement was to be found on the website of Fox 26 in Houston:

The office featured in this video is funded by volunteers of the Barack Obama Campaign and is not an official headquarters for his campaign.

Considering what reporters were saying about the office in the report, why does something seem amiss here?

What's amiss is that this is a BS slime story! That's what's AMISS!
It is not an OFFICIAL campaign HQ and probably never will be after this. No one from the Obama Campaign was involved, or even present, or even in town, and probably not even in the state yet.
Going off on this story FOX News and rightwing blogs get to bloviate for awhile but really trying to stick this on Obama is like pegging Jackie and Dunlap over at as official (and typical) Thompson campiagn workers/supporters. Please.


At Friday, February 15, 2008 1:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By default this proves one of two things: either 1. Obama doesn't really mind being associated with Guevara due to the rather bland and unemotional statement supposedly distancing himself from this event, or 2. Some of Obama's most fervent supporters don't even know what Obama even stands for.


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