Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Taming of the Schree

As we chronicled here some days back, Democrats up on the Hill in Nashville are so desperate to be rid of State Representative Stacey Campfield that they got a relatively young paralegal to move into the 18th District in order to oust him from office. Those of us who are part of the Tennessee blogging community know that the real reason that Boss Hogg and his henchmen want rid of Stacey is because they do not like his weblog.

Representative Campfield has gone out of his way to keep us, the people of Tennessee, informed about what is actually going on at the Capitol. Of course, the majority can't have people knowing how they actually behave because it might lead to their removal from power. The powers that be are aware of this, and since they are more interested in maintaining power than protecting the interests of the people they serve, they don't want anyone in office that might actually be honest with their constituents about what is happening in Nashville.

Now this same group of malcontents is telling the people of the 18th District, as well as all of us who have an interest in ethical and constitutional government, that they want Schree Pettigrew elected as a team. They want her elected so badly that they arranged for her to run and set her husband up with employment. What kind of "team" will Mrs. Pettigrew be a part of?

Well, its a team that has done little or nothing about the crisis of illegal immigration that is hampering Tennessee's social service system. They've killed Republican proposals to deal with the issue-then blamed Republicans for doing nothing. Go team!

Its a team whose idea of ethics reform is more of the status quo, while accusing those who champion real ethics reform and openess in government as racists-while all the while practicing the politics of exclusion. What a copout-go team!

Its a team whose idea of managing health care costs is to cater to the trial lawyers whose frivolous lawsuits drive up the cost of health care for ordinary Tennesseans and helped nearly bankrupt Tennessee under the TennCare regime. Mrs. Pettigrew should know something about catering to trial lawyers, that is where she has gotten most of her campaign money. If she is elected she'll owe her election to trial lawyers-whose team do you think Schree Pettigrew will be on? Go team!

While Mrs. Pettigrew is busy having fundraisers with Jimmy Naifeh and getting ever deeper into the pockets of ambulance chasers, I've been to a Stacey Campfield fundraiser. I can speak of the kind of people who were there, and they weren't trial lawyers (okay, there was one-ONE trial lawyer) or top-of-the-Hill fatcats, they were everyday working Tennesseans and retirees. They came and gave of their time and dollars because while others are working for trial lawyers and Jimmy Naifeh, Stacey Campfield is working for them. While Schree Pettigrew is on Jimmy Naifeh's team, Stacey Campfield is on the people's team.

That's exactly why Stacey Campfield needs the vote of every concerned citizen of the 18th District on November 7th.



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