Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Oatneys of White Pine

Some time ago in my post on the first Senate debate, I had a note on the bottom of that post stating that things were happening in life at present at a rather rapid pace and there were very good reasons why I found myself temporarily unable to be as involved in political campaigning as I would like. I also said that when the time came I would explain just what was happening that caused such political pause in my normally politics-filled election year dossier.

As some regulars might know, Nicole and I have been looking for a house for some time now. Well, we finally found a house, and by the end of this month, we should be fully moved into that new home. Our new residence is located in White Pine in Jefferson County. If any of you are familiar with that area, you know that that it isn't too far from the Hamblen County Line, and it also gives Nicole and myself some small measure of peace and quiet away from the rigors of urbanity.

Because we have both been consumed the last few weeks with moving or preparing for moving, I have had little time to campaign or to assist others with their campaigns, despite my deep desire to do so. Indeed, it is because I suspected a move of some sort may be pending that I reluctantly abandoned seeking a seat on the Knox County Commission during the early part of the term-limits crisis. Consumed as we have been with the move, I have had little time to involve myself in the late political scene, and I felt it would be a disservice to the candidates that I so strongly support to promise more assistance or time than I can presently give.

However, none of that means that I am withdrawing from politics or public service or helping candidates and causes that I believe in-far from it. As soon as Nicole and I are settled, I intend to jump right back into the fray. Perhaps when we become a bit more established, I will seek public office-if that should be the will of God.

In the meantime, I haven't changed my official residence just yet, and I am still writing from Knoxville, though we are now making frequent trips back and forth. Hence, I will still be able to vote in Knox County one last time, and I intend to cast that vote sometime this week.

I want to thank a number of people who have been so gracious and helpful to me, and who have been appreciative of my written work at this weblog: Knox GOP Chairman Brian Hornback has been supportive of me and has encouraged conservative and Republican bloggers to keep on with what we are doing. State Representative Stacey Campfield has been and will continue to be a dear friend and fellow-laborer in the Cause. I appreciate his friendship, assistance, advice, and support more than he realizes. Rob Huddleston has been a source of advice and support and has been a great assistance in knowing the lay of the land, as it were-and I know Angela will be a wonderful Republican Committeewoman. Time would fail me to mention everyone who has supported me but Terry and Lee Frank, Mark Saroff, Steve Hall, and so many others-if I missed you, it sure wasn't on purpose. I hope many of you will keep regular contact with me and even pay us a visit from time to time-and of course I am more than happy to help my friends in any way that I can.

White Pine, here we come.


At Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:27:00 AM, Blogger The Sen. said...

Congrats on your new home, If you need a truck or any help W/ the move let me know. Will Frank Nicley be your new state rep?

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:29:00 AM, Blogger Steve Mule said...

Congratulations on the move! You'll have to post some pictures when you and Nicole get all moved in and settled.


At Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:50:00 PM, Blogger Bill said...

Congratulations David!

May your move be easy and your new home everything you and Nicole desire!


At Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:24:00 PM, Blogger Deacon David Oatney said...

Thanks to everyone!

If the district map on the General Assembly's website is correct, White Pine is right on the edge of the 17th District and our new Representative will indeed be Frank Niceley. Now, I've not had the pleasure to meet Rep. Niceley, but I know that you know him, and have mentioned him in a positive light on your blog. Others have also-so you'll have to share with me what you know.

I doubt we'll need a truck, but we could use an extra hand. I know you are in a pretty heated campaign, so lack of time is certainly understandable, but if you happen to be free next Sunday we just might be able to use you.

At Monday, July 17, 2006 6:18:00 AM, Blogger Brian Hornback said...


You will be missed in Knoxville / Knox County. I certainly look forward to continuing to read your blog daily.

Frank Niceley is a good man and an excellent State Representative.

I appreciate you're friendship and your support I hope we continue to stay in touch while you are in White Pine.

At Monday, July 17, 2006 11:30:00 AM, Blogger Rob Huddleston said...

David -

Knox County's loss is Jefferson County's gain.

Congratulations on your new home!



At Friday, July 21, 2006 3:20:00 PM, Blogger Chucko said...

Heh... I'm a little late here, but congrats Dave! I'll have to roll down sometime.


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