Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Someone wants Steve Hall dead, News-Sentinel doesn't care

The media reaction to the attempted murder of Knoxville City Councilman and Knox County Mayoral candidate Steve Hall tells an interesting tale about the priorities of the press. Apparently, the News-Sentinel did not think this story, an attempt to kill, or at least to wound, a candidate for County Executive was important enough to give top billing. At least WBIR led off their late night news with the details.

Hall has been threatened before. Apparently, back in February, someone called and threatened Hall's life. As locals know, Steve is running in the Republican Primary next Tuesday against incumbent Mike Ragsdale. Mr. Hall is a good man and he is a good conservative, and he has made it a part of his campaign to bring up the manner in which the wheel tax was passed in Knox County, which many people thought was unfair. (For those who don't know, it was basically a choice between a wheel tax or higher property taxes, the people weren't given other choices.)

When talking to delegates and others, I was accused by some of "associating with the supporters of Mayor Ragsdale's opponent." Well, I associate with good conservative and Christian men and women-sue me. Steve Hall and all of his supporters are good Republicans. None of them deserve to be raked over the coals for challenging Mike Ragsdale. Even inside the GOP, that is our right to challenge authority if we don't think something is quite right. For those who accused me of "associating" with the Steve Hall faction, there were also delegates and other activists I spoke with who fully supported Steve Hall, and encouraged me to do the same. Not one person I have spoken with who claims to be a Steve Hall supporter has struck me as anything other than a conservative man or woman, a solid Republican, and a concerned citizen. Supporting Steve Hall is not a crime-especially not in a Republican Primary where Republicans are free to choose sides.

Clearly someone has reason to want Steve Hall dead. I certainly hope and pray it isn't anyone who also claims to be a Republican.

When I bowed out of the Commission race, I promised I would run for office in the future with a full commitment to victory, and that is what I hope to do one day very soon. In the meantime, I might as well admit that I have already voted in the Primary. I voted for Steve Hall for County Mayor, and I would urge all of my readers who are Knox County voters, as well all good citizens of Knox County to do the same.


At Tuesday, April 25, 2006 8:35:00 AM, Blogger Steve Mule said...

Mr. Oatney,
I share your disgust concerning the attempt on Mr. Hall's life. I hope the offender gets the book thrown at them.
As for Mr. Hall's race for mayor I would support him but that means voting in the Republican primary, which I considered doing except that then I would be unable to support Randy Tyree's race for sherrif and then, of course, the County Commission race blew up with all that Term limit stuff. I too am angry over the Wheel Tax - Property Tax thing. The taxpayers of Knox County took it in the shorts on that one. I almost wish Mr. Hall had run as a Democrat (not that he would, for any reason) just so I and other Dems could vote for him. He would had more support from us than he might have suspected.
As for the grief you had thrown your way over your suspected, now confirmed, support of Mr. Hall - well that happens when you buck the establishment. Hang in there!


At Tuesday, April 25, 2006 12:13:00 PM, Blogger Deacon David Oatney said...

I am not a believer in open primaries, indeed, if it were up to me, we'd switch to closed precinct caucuses. In the absence of that, at least our primaries should be closed.

However, open primaries are what we have in Tennessee, and the GOP Primary is where the County Mayor's race is at, and I think that race is far more important.

I really don't encourage crossing over, because I wouldn't do it, but if you are going to, I can't think of a better reason than to vote for Steve Hall.

I am pleasantly surprised by your support for Steve.

At Tuesday, April 25, 2006 12:39:00 PM, Blogger Steve Mule said...

Mr. Oatney,
Please do not make the mistake of reading too much into my support of Steve Hall. My "support" is more anti-Ragsdale then pro-Hall. When Mr. Hall and I met at Mike Pagett's chili feed I explained this to him and he said that he understood and it was fine with him.
I would like open primaries - often only one party has multiple candidates (as was often the case in Washington St. and Kansas) and I liked someone in the other party better for a particular position. I think many people would like to have the option. But oh well ...



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