Monday, January 10, 2005

The Iraq question

Many conservatives have become quite gung-ho about the war in Iraq, but there are a few of us who have real concerns about the way things are going. Unlike many of our "peace-at-any-price" liberal friends, we recognize that there are some things worth fighting for.

I think the question in the mind of many paleo-conservatives like myself is this: All wars have a point at which an end can be declared, if it is truly a war that is being fought. When shall this war be deemed to be at an end and our objectives met. When reserve commanders begin calling the Guard and Reserves a "broken force," we have a problem. Men and women like those who serve in the Guard and Reserves are the base and bedrock of the Republican Party. Their support is not something the President should take for granted, nor is it something he can afford to lose. Our fighting men and women have signed on the dotted line, but they should not be stretched past a point that no one should be required to bear.

The great mistake of this administration has been to wage war without sufficient military spending and without a large-scale pre-war military build-up of Cold War proportions. If we are to win the war and suppress the enemy insergency, we must have such a massive military force in place that no one part of our forces will feel as if the weight of the world and the outcome of the conflict rests upon them.


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