Monday, June 14, 2010

Lift Their Skirts??

State Rep. Janis Baird Sontany doesn't believe her female Republican collegues are real women:

Representative Sontany now says that she "regrets" her remark and that it was "inappropriate." I'm sure she does regret saying such a thing in a public setting, but we can be almost as equally assured that Janis Baird Sontany really believes the things that she has said. What these remarks seems to show is that liberals' commitment to equality of opportunity is contingent upon someone having the same political views as people on the Left do, or at least voting that way. This mentality essentially says that women, African-Americans, Jews, people with disabilities, Hispanics, and other so-called "classified" groups must vote for the Democrats or liberals because they owe their rights to the Left or to the Democratic Party-they have their rights because of political patronage.

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