Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Party's Good Servant

The comments of Tennessee's Republican Chairman have triggered discussion about the very meaning of the pro-life movement in the GOP:

What should concern pro-life conservatives about Devaney's statement is not that he is saying that pro-abortionists can be Republicans, but the seeming nonchalance with which he appears to regard the pro-life position. Pro-life political action is reduced to a mere political position, a difference of opinion akin to tarriffs or environmental policy. What Devaney does not seem to understand is that this question of aborticide is not a matter of mere political opinion, but a matter of life or death. Either you believe that it is cold-blooded murder to take the life of an unborn child in the womb, or you do not-period. There is no middle ground on the matter and for that reason pro-life people within the Republican Party will not give an inch and will not give up the pro-life plank in the national platform.

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At Saturday, October 31, 2009 7:12:00 PM, Anonymous Ray said...

Dave, I am not a bit surprised. I knew this would happen eventually. Your solution is to take back the party. I wish with all my hart I could agree with you; but alass, the filthy rich Rockefellers of the party and the international bank cartel that is preparing the one-world government for us will not let that happen. Unless we act now, it will be to late. The solution is to form a party where we are truly welcome. The dynamic has changed much too much for us to be able to take back the party which was once our home. It is no more!!!!

At Sunday, November 01, 2009 4:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should start a "Conservative Party" here in Tennessee that requires unquestioned fealty to 2 or 3 issues that are most important to you. The Republican Party is on its last legs and is unlikely to survive the next 10 years as its' voter pool - the uneducated, angry white men, and the crazy - are slowly slipping into oblivion. I wish you well with this endeavour.

At Tuesday, November 03, 2009 8:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well anonymous has shown his/her own education level with that opinion that is very far from the actual truth.


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