Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tim Russert Tribute

Here was how the news was reported by NBC, Tom Brokaw, Brian Williams, and Andrea Mitchell that Tim Russert had died yesterday. So great was Russert's influence in the political realm that I do not believe that I will forget where I was when I heard the news that Russert had died. For me, it is up there with where I was when I heard that aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center-one of those generational moments that stick in the memory.

Tim Russert has become my after-Mass buddy every Sunday on television, and I watch Meet the Press religiously. What Russert was best at, however, was covering an election. There was no one in the business of covering election nights that I trusted to give it to me straight more than Tim Russert. His loss to political news and commentary is inestimable, and political coverage simply won't be the same without him.

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