Saturday, March 22, 2008

State Capitol notes

For those who didn't get a chance to hear my podcast Thursday night, a whole host of good people should be publicly thanked for extending their hospitality to both myself and to Fabian Story during our trip to the Capitol this past week. I personally owe a huge thank-you to my State Representative, the Honorable Frank Niceley, and an equal one to Rep. Stacey Campfield. As usual, Frank and Stacey went out of their way and above and beyond the call of elected duty to insure that we had everything we needed while in Nashville. Hospitality is not a requirement to make someone a good legislator, but it tells me a lot about the measure of these two fine men. As Fabian did on his blog, I also want to thank Ms. Ruth Adams, Frank and Stacey's able and industrious Administrative Aide, who is one of the friendliest ladies you'll ever meet.

I also want to thank Rep. Bill Dunn for showing such unmerited kindness. I truly believe that Bill is the closest thing to a saint on the Hill-he is both holy enough to deserve that accolade and humble enough to deny that it is true. Rep. Harry Brooks deserves special mention as well for being so gracious to me on the House floor Thursday morning, and he is a class act. I also want to thank Reps. Dennis Ferguson and Matthew Hill for being so enjoyable and keeping in such good humor. These fellas not only enjoy what they do, they also really seem to have a lot of fun.

Those of you who are people of prayer might join me in praying for Rep. Mike Bell, who injured his leg fighting a fire. He's getting around the Capitol on crutches right now, and is likely in no small amount of pain. Even with all that, he went out of his way to make us feel welcome. We first crossed path going opposite directions on and off of an elevator, and as soon as he saw it was me he stopped to say hello.

Many others also had a kind word to say or a helping hand, but in a week of history it is most noteworthy that Fabian and I did bump into John Wilder on Wednesday outside the Lieutenant Governor's office, and had the opportunity to greet and shake the hand of the most senior Senator the day before he announced that he was retiring. I wish I had a working camera with me at the time, because for the sake of posterity I would have asked for a picture.



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