Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday. Christians all over the world will be reminded today that they are but mortal men, and that they must look to the eternal consequences of their actions on this earth when taking actions that affect their souls and the lives of others. Today is a day of mixed emotions. The Holy Season of Lent, which is inaugurated on this day, ought to be viewed as a season of great joy, in addition to being a time of renewed repentance and penance, because God provides this time for his people to look inward at themselves, at their flaws and imperfections, and meditate upon how they may better follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

The faithful will be given ashes today at Mass, and will be told "for dust you are, and to the dust you shall return." This is a reminder of our mortality, and serves to show the person who is merely a nominal believer that not unlike the rest of us, they too shall cross the veil of time that is marked by death, and will face the Lord in judgement. Death is not voluntary, and we do not have the privilege to choose whether our time on earth will end. Just because our time on earth may come to an end, however, does not mean that our existence will also cease. Through Christ, we have the opportunity to choose life everlasting, if we will turn away from sin.

A second possible phrase that some who receive ashes today might hear is "turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel." We are commanded to do this always, of course, but this phrase is a way to remind the penitent that he or she may be in the world, but is not of it.

Inside every man there is a God-shaped vacuum, which man tries to satify by filling it with the things and pleasures of this world. In doing so, man cannot find fulfillment. That can only be found by totral submission to God, and an acceptance of His Son, Jesus Christ. In accepting the Truth of the Trinity, we accept that we will submit ourselves to the dictates of Christ's Church.

It will be my Lenten prayer intention to pray, among other things, for those who will be baptized at Easter. Won't you join me in praying also for the salvation of the whole world?


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